Ofertas de empleo de web application developer en turbo, antioquia

1-9 de 9 ofertas de empleo

Ordenar por
  • Turbo  9
  • Antioquia  9
  • Ruby On Rails Developer  9
Tipo de contrato
  • Pasantías
  • Por prestación de servicios
  • Término Fijo
  • Término Indefinido
  • Trabajador Independiente
Jornada laboral
  • Tiempo completo
  • Tiempo medio
  • 0+
  • 1+
  • 2+
  • 3+
  • 4+
  • 5+
Fecha de publicación
  • Último día  0
  • Última semana  3
  • Senior Ruby on Rails Software Engineer

    Turbo, Antioquia

    ...application errors or other issues that appear in the live environment Wants to work in a small engineering team and participate in building the team and...
    Bruto/año: $120M
    Hace +30 días en Jobleads

  • U-300 ▷ (Quedan 3 Días) Senior Ruby on Rails SoftwareEnginee

    Aktien Turbo, Antioquia

    ...application errors or other issues that appear in the live environment. Wants to work in a small engineering team and participate in building the team and...
    Hace 7 días en Kitempleo

  • [Aplica ya] Senior Ruby on Rails Software Engineer - (C-934)

    Aktien Turbo, Antioquia

    ...application errors or other issues that appear in the live environment. Wants to work in a small engineering team and participate in building the team and...
    Hace 9 días en Kitempleo

  • [PRG-661] Busqueda Urgente! Senior Ruby on Rails SoftwareEng

    Aktien Turbo, Antioquia

    ...application errors or other issues that appear in the live environment. Wants to work in a small engineering team and participate in building the team and...
    Hace 9 días en Kitempleo

  • Aplica ya: Senior Ruby on Rails Software Engineer [RH707]

    Aktien Turbo, Antioquia

    ...application errors or other issues that appear in the live environment. Wants to work in a small engineering team and participate in building the team and...
    Hace 10 días en Kitempleo

  • Senior Ruby on Rails Software Engineer [Aplicar en 3Minutos]

    Aktien Turbo, Antioquia

    ...application errors or other issues that appear in the live environment. Wants to work in a small engineering team and participate in building the team and...
    Hace 5 días en Kitempleo

  • Senior Ruby on Rails Software Engineer - XOY-950

    Aktien Turbo, Antioquia

    ...application errors or other issues that appear in the live environment. Wants to work in a small engineering team and participate in building the team and...
    Hace 10 días en Kitempleo

  • [B-356] (Busqueda Urgente) Senior Ruby on Rails SoftwareEngi

    nuevo Aktien Turbo, Antioquia

    ...application errors or other issues that appear in the live environment. Wants to work in a small engineering team and participate in building the team and...
    Hace 1 día en Kitempleo

  • (WP-368) ▷ (80.000.000 - 120.000.000) Senior Ruby on Rails S

    Aktien Turbo, Antioquia

    ...application errors or other issues that appear in the live environment. Wants to work in a small engineering team and participate in building the team and...
    Hace 9 días en Kitempleo


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